Monday, April 29, 2013


Hey Peeps Orange360 here,

 So I am almost finished with the third book of Inheritance and so far it is pretty good. This post is just a preview to the full post that I will do after I finish the book. I like the book, and think that if you want a good read that you should read Brisingr, I cannot say how many stars yet but I will when finish the book.

Sunday, April 28, 2013


Hey peeps, Orange360 here,

I love Braids, All kinds! Here are some that I love!



Wednesday, April 17, 2013


  HEY PEEPS!So I told you I would write a full review about this book... so I am going to do it.
Eldest was a action pack book. I read like there was now tomorrow.(I know that's corny.) Eragon and Saphira are in battles between someone you and I would not want to fight against.  During all this Roran is a big part in this book. His cousin (Eragon) has gotten him into a lot of trouble with his fellow neighbors in Carvahall. When he is fighting an enemy his betrothed gets captured. So Roran decides to bring all of Carvahall with him to save them,but can he save his soon to be wife?
I told you it was action packed. I give this book 4 & 1/2 paws, only that because there were to hard to pronounce words.
I reccmend this book to more experienced and mature readers because there is a lot of bloody moments and its really thick!